Genetic Indices in Prevention Science

Symposium lectures are currently archived and available upon request. Please contact Dr. Allen Barton at for a copy of the 4th Annual CGAPS Symposium lecture series.

4th Annual CGAPS Symposium lecture series, featuring: Dr. Robert Philibert, University of Iowa, Implementing Clinical Epigenetic Biomarkers for Prevention: Implications for Studying Gene Networks… Dr. Danielle Dick, Virginia Commonwealth University, Spit for Science: Integrating Genetic Research with Prevention/Intervention to Reduce Risky Substance Use among College Students… Dr. Michael Windle, Emory University, Measurement and Conceptual Challenges in Developing Polygenic Scores for Etiologic and Prevention Research… Dr. George Howe, Columbian College, Using Microtrials to Study the Gene-Environment Dynamics of Entrapment… Dr. James MacKillop, University of Georgia, Impulsive Delay Discounting and Addictive Disorders: Genetic Basis and Status as a Prevention Target… Dr. Jay Belsky, University of California, Davis Toward an Evo-Devo Theory of Childhood Experience, Reproduction and Health: Implications for Genetic Indices