

Beach SRH, Lei MK, Lavner JA, Adesogan O, Carter SE, Barton AW. Strengthening couple functioning promotes resilience to COVID-19-related stressors among Black Americans. Journal of Family Psychology. 2023 April 13. PubMed PMID: 37053419; DOI: 10.1037/fam0001082.

Brody GH, Yu T, Miller GE, Chen E. Longitudinal links between early adolescent temperament and inflammation among young black adults. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2023 June;152:106077. PubMed PMID: 36931166; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC10201910; DOI: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2023.106077.

Corallo, K. L., Carr, C. P., Lavner, J. A., Koss, K. J., & Ehrlich, K. B. (2023). The protective role of parental vigilance in the link between risky childhood environments and health. Social Science and Medicine, 317,

Lavner, J. A., Carter, S. E., Hart, A. R., Adesogan, O., & Beach, S. R. H. (2023). Racial discrimination and private regard among Black early adolescents: Testing between- and within-person associations over time. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 43(2), 141–163.

Lavner, J. A., Hohman, E. E., Beach, S. R. H., Stansfield, B. K., & Savage, J. S. (2023). Effects of a responsive parenting intervention among Black families on infants’ sleep: A secondary analysis of the Sleep SAAF randomized clinical trial. JAMA Network Open, 6, doi:10.1001/Jamanetworkopen.2023.6276

Lavner JA, Ong ML, Carter SE, Hart AR, Beach SRH. Racial discrimination predicts depressive symptoms throughout adolescence among Black youth. Developmental Psychology. 2023 January;59(1):7-14. PubMed PMID: 36066872; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC9822848; DOI: 10.1037/dev0001456.

McCurdy, A. L., Lavner, J. A., & Russell, S. T. (2023). A latent profile analysis of perceived family reactions to youth LGBTQ identity. Journal of Family Psychology, 37, 888–

Tong, W., Lavner, J. A., Jia, J., & Fang, X. (2023). Dyadic profiles of sexual satisfaction among Chinese newlywed couples over time. The Journal of Sex Research, 60, 349–358.

Weber DM, Lavner JA, Beach SRH. Couples’ communication quality differs by topic. Journal of Family Psychology. 2023 May 18. PubMed PMID: 37199946; DOI: 10.1037/fam0001111.

Williamson, H. C., Chen, P.-H., & Lavner, J. A. (2023). Enhancing fathers’ parenting through strengthening couple functioning: A randomized controlled trial of low-income couples. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 91, 43–


Adesogan, O., Lavner, J. A., Carter, S. E., & Beach, S. R. H. (2022). COVID-19 stress and the health of Black Americans in the rural South. Clinical Psychological Science, 10, 1111–1128.

Barton, A. W., Lavner, J. A., Sutton, N. C., McNeil Smith, S., & Beach, S. R. H. (2022). African Americans’ relationship quality and depressive symptoms: A longitudinal investigation of the Marital Discord Model. Journal of Family Psychology, 36, 1061–1072.

Barton AW, Yu T, Gong Q, Miller GE, Chen E, Brody GH. Childhood poverty, immune cell aging, and African Americans’ insulin resistance: A prospective study. Child Development. 2022 September;93(5):1616-1624. PubMed PMID: 35596670; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC9427675; DOI: 10.1111/cdev.13795.

Beach, S. R. H., Gibbons, F. X., Carter, S. E., Ong, M. L., Lavner, J. A., Lei, M.-K., Simons, R. L., Gerrard, M., & Philibert, R. A. (2022). Childhood adversity predicts Black young adults’ DNA methylation-based accelerated aging: A dual pathway model. Development and Psychopathology, 34, 689–703.

Chen E, Brody GH, Miller GE. What Are the Health Consequences of Upward Mobility?. Annual Review of Psychology. 2022 January 4;73:599-628. PubMed PMID: 34579546; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC10142907; DOI: 10.1146/annurev-psych-033020-122814.

Hernandez, E. H., Lavner, J. A., Moore, A. M., Stansfield, B. K., Beach, S. R. H., Smith, J. J., & Savage, J. S. (2022). Sleep SAAF responsive parenting intervention improves mothers’ feeding practices: A randomized controlled trial among African American mother-infant dyads. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 19, 129.

Johnson, M. D., Lavner, J. A., Muise, A., Mund, M., Neyer, F. J., Park, Y., Harasymchuk, C., & Impett, E. A. (2022). Women and men are the barometers of relationships: Testing the predictive power of women’s and men’s relationship satisfaction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119, e2209460119.

Johnson, M. D., Lavner, J. A., Mund, M., Zemp, M., Stanley, S. M., Neyer, F. J., Impett, E. A., Rhoades, G. K., Bodenmann, G., Weidmann, R., Bühler, J. L., Burriss, R. P., Wünsche, J., & Grob, A. (2022). Within-couple associations between communication and relationship satisfaction over time. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 48, 534–549.

Kanter, J. B., Lavner, J. A., Lannin, D. G., Hilgard, J., & Monk, J. K. (2022). Does couple communication predict later relationship quality and dissolution? A meta-analysis. Journal of Marriage and Family, 84, 533–551.

King, V., Lavner, J. A., Bryant, C. M., & Beach, S. R. H. (2022). Childhood maltreatment amplifies the association between relationship functioning and depressive symptoms among rural African American couples. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 39, 1043–1065.

Lavner, J. A., Hart, A. R., Carter, S. E., & Beach, S. R. H. (2022). Longitudinal effects of racial discrimination on depressive symptoms among Black youth: Between- and within-person effects. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 61, 56–65.

Lavner, J. A., Savage, J. S., Stansfield, B. K., Beach, S. R. H., Marini, M. E., Smith, J. J., Sperr, M. C., Anderson, T. N., ^Hernandez, E., ^Moore, A. M., Caldwell, A. L., & Birch, L. L. (2022). Effects of the Sleep SAAF responsive parenting intervention on rapid infant weight gain: A randomized clinical trial of African American families. Appetite, 175, 106080.

Lei MK, Beach SRH. Neighborhood disadvantage is associated with biological aging: Intervention-induced enhancement of couple functioning confers resilience. Family Process. 2022 August 25:e12808. PubMed PMID: 36008918; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC10155753; DOI: 10.1111/famp.12808.

Lei, M-K., Lavner, J. A., Carter, S. E., Adesogan, O., & Beach, S. R. H. (2022). Relationship intervention indirectly buffers economic hardship’s effect on biological aging among Black adults. Journal of Family Psychology, 36, 502–512.

Moore, A. M., Smith, J. J., Stansfield, B. K., Savage, J. S., & Lavner, J. A. (2022). Patterns and predictors of breast milk feeding from birth to age 4 months among primiparous African American mother-infant dyads. Nutrients, 14, 2350.

O’Neal, C. W., & Lavner, J. A. (2022). Latent profiles of postdeployment reintegration among service members and their partners. Journal of Family Psychology, 36, 35–45.

Reck A, Seaton E, Oshri A, Kogan S. Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms Among Black American Adolescents: Sociocultural, Racism and Familial Predictors. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. 2022 November 16:1-17. PubMed PMID: 36383042; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC10185710; DOI: 10.1080/15374416.2022.2140432.

Reck AJ, Tracy Q, Kogan SM. Predicting Receipt of an Effective Dose of a Family-Centered Preventive Intervention for African American Youth. Journal of Prevention. 2022 February;43(1):67-82. PubMed PMID: 34741703; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC8924985; DOI: 10.1007/s10935-021-00655-y


Barton AW, Lavner JA, Beach SRH. Can Interventions that Strengthen Couples’ Relationships Confer Additional Benefits for their Health? A Randomized Controlled Trial with African American Couples. Prevention Science. 2021 April;22(3):386-396. PubMed PMID: 33009991; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC8018982; DOI: 10.1007/s11121-020-01175-7.

Beach SRH, Gibbons FX, Carter SE, Ong ML, Lavner JA, Lei MK, Simons RL, Gerrard M, Philibert RA. Childhood adversity predicts black young adults’ DNA methylation-based accelerated aging: A dual pathway model. Development & psychopathology. 2021 December 20:1-15. PubMed PMID: 34924087; DOI: 10.1017/S0954579421001541.

Bertin L, Benca-Bachman CE, Kogan SM, Palmer RHC. Examining the differential effects of latent impulsivity factors on substance use outcomes in African American men. Addictive Behaviors. 2021 June;117:106847. PubMed PMID: 33578106; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC8009033; DOI: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2021.106847.

Brody GH, Yu T, Chen E, Kobor M, Beach SRH, Lei MK, Barr A, Lin DT, Miller GE. Risky family climates presage increased cellular aging in young adulthood. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2021 August;130:105256. PubMed PMID: 34058561; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC8217285; DOI: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2021.105256.

Brody GH, Yu T, Chen E, Miller GE, Barton AW, Kogan SM. Family-Centered Prevention Effects on the Association Between Racial Discrimination and Mental Health in Black Adolescents: Secondary Analysis of 2 Randomized Clinical Trials. JAMA Network Open. 2021 March 1;4(3):e211964. PubMed PMID: 33760092; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7991970; DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.1964.

Chen E, Brody GH, Yu T, Hoffer LC, Russak-Pribble A, Miller GE. Disproportionate School Punishment and Significant Life Outcomes: A Prospective Analysis of Black Youths. Psychol Sci. 2021 Sep;32(9):1375-1390. doi: 10.1177/0956797621998308. Epub 2021 Aug 13. PMID: 34387518; PMCID: PMC8726585.

Corallo, K. L., Lyle, S. M., Murphy, M. L. M., vanDellen, M. R., & Ehrlich, K. B. (2021). Recalled neighborhood environments, parental control, and cytokine-mediated response to viral challenge. Psychosomatic Medicine, 83, 843-851.

Ehrlich KB, Miller GE, Rogosch FA, Cicchetti D. Maltreatment exposure across childhood and low-grade inflammation: Considerations of exposure type, timing, and sex differences. Developmental Psychobiology. 2021 April;63(3):529-537. PubMed PMID: 32896910; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7937756; DOI: 10.1002/dev.2203

Kogan, S., Bae, D., Cho, J., Smith, A., & Nishitani, S. (2021). Pathways linking adverse environments to emerging adults’ substance abuse and depressive symptoms: A prospective analysis of rural African American men. Development and Psychopathology, 33(4), 1496-1506. doi:10.1017/S0954579420000632

Lavner JA, Hart AR, Carter SE, Beach SR. Longitudinal Effects of Racial Discrimination on Depressive Symptoms Among Black Youth: Between- and Within-Person Effects. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. NIHMS In Process.

Lei MK, Lavner JA, Carter SE, Hart AR, Beach SRH. Protective parenting behavior buffers the impact of racial discrimination on depression among Black youth. Journal of Family Psychology. 2021 March 11. PubMed PMID: 33705179; DOI: 10.1037/fam0000822.

McDade TW, Aronoff JE, Leigh AKK, Finegood ED, Weissman-Tsukamoto RM, Brody GH, Miller GE. Out of the Laboratory and Into the Field: Validation of Portable Cell Culture Protocols. Psychosomatic Medicine. 2021 April 1;83(3):283-290. PubMed PMID: 33657081; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC8016709; DOI: 10.1097/PSY.0000000000000923.

Miller GE, Chen E, Finegood ED, Lam PH, Weissman-Tsukamoto R, Leigh AKK, Hoffer L, Carroll AL, Brody GH, Parrish TB, Nusslock R. Resting-State Functional Connectivity of the Central Executive Network Moderates the Relationship Between Neighborhood Violence and Proinflammatory Phenotype in Children. Biological Psychiatry. 2021 March 13. PubMed PMID: 33962781; DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2021.03.008.

Adesogan O, Lavner JA, Carter SE, Beach SRH. COVID-19 Stress and the Health of Black Americans in the Rural South. Clinical Psychological Science. 2021 October 25. DOI: 10.1177/21677026211049379. PMCID: PMC8552003.


Bae, D., & Kogan, S. M. (2020). Romantic relationship trajectories among young African American men: The influence of adverse life contexts. Journal of Family Psychology, 34(6), 687–697.

Barton, A. W., Lavner, J. A., Stanley, S. M., Johnson, M. D., & Rhoades, G. K. (2020). “Will you complete this survey too?” Differences between individual versus dyadic samples in relationship research. Journal of Family Psychology, 34(2), 196–203.

Brody, G. H., Yu, T., Chen, E., & Miller, G. E. (2020). Persistence of skin-deep resilience in African American adults. Health Psychology, 39(10), 921–926.

Brody, G.H., Yu, T., Miller, G.E. and Chen, E. (2020), A family-centered prevention ameliorates the associations of low self-control during childhood with employment income and poverty status in young African American adults. J Child Psychol Psychiatr, 61: 425-435.

Chae, D. H., Wang, Y., Martz, C. D., Slopen, N., Yip, T., Adler, N. E., Fuller-Rowell, T. E., Lin, J., Matthews, K. A., Brody, G. H., Spears, E. C., Puterman, E., & Epel, E. S. (2020). Racial discrimination and telomere shortening among African Americans: The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study. Health Psychology, 39(3), 209–219.

Chen E, Yu T, Siliezar R, Drage JN, Dezil J, Miller GE, Brody GH. Evidence for skin-deep resilience using a co-twin control design: Effects on low-grade inflammation in a longitudinal study of youth. Brain Behav Immun. 2020 Aug;88:661-667. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2020.04.070. Epub 2020 Apr 27. PMID: 32353517; PMCID: PMC7415558.

Ehrlich, K. B. (2020). How does the social world shape health across the lifespan? Insights and new directions. American Psychologist, 75, 1231-1241.

Gibbons, F. X., Fleischli, M. E., Gerrard, M., Simons, R. L., Weng, C.-Y., & Gibson, L. P. (2020). The impact of early racial discrimination on illegal behavior, arrest, and incarceration among African Americans. American Psychologist, 75(7), 952–968.

Holmes, C., Owens, M., Beach, S.R.H. et al. Peer influence, Frontostriatal connectivity, and delay discounting in African American emerging adults. Brain Imaging and Behavior 14, 155–163 (2020).

Kogan SM, Bae D. Racial Discrimination, Protective Parenting, and Binge Drinking Among Emerging Adult Black Men. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. 2020 November;44(11):2343-2349. PubMed PMID: 32945530; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7680387; DOI: 10.1111/acer.14459.

Lavner, J. A., Barton, A. W., & Beach, S. R. H. (2020). Direct and indirect effects of a couple-focused preventive intervention on children’s outcomes: A randomized controlled trial with African American families. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 88(8), 696–707.

Lavner, J. A., Williamson, H. C., Karney, B. R., & Bradbury, T. N. (2020). Premarital parenthood and newlyweds’ marital trajectories. Journal of Family Psychology, 34(3), 279–290.

Lei MK, Beach SRH. Can We Uncouple Neighborhood Disadvantage and Delinquent Behaviors? An Experimental Test of Family Resilience Guided by the Social Disorganization Theory of Delinquent Behaviors. Family Process. 2020 December;59(4):1801-1817. PubMed PMID: 32073152; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7434646; DOI: 10.1111/famp.12527.

Miller GE, Chen E, Yu T, Brody GH. Youth Who Achieve Upward Socioeconomic Mobility Display Lower Psychological Distress But Higher Metabolic Syndrome Rates as Adults: Prospective Evidence From Add Health and MIDUS. J Am Heart Assoc. 2020 May 5;9(9):e015698. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.119.015698. Epub 2020 Apr 28. PMID: 32340532; PMCID: PMC7428555.

Obasi, E. M., Chen, T.-A., Cavanagh, L., Smith, B. K., Wilborn, K. A., McNeill, L. H., & Reitzel, L. R. (2020). Depression, perceived social control, and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function in African-American adults. Health Psychology, 39(2), 107–115.

Oshri, A., Duprey, E. B., Liu, S., & Ehrlich, K. B. (2020). Harsh parenting and youth systemic inflammation: Modulation by the autonomic nervous system. Health Psychology, 39(6), 482–496.

Stern, J. A., Beijers, R., Ehrlich, K. B., Cassidy, J., & de Weerth, C. (2020). Beyond early adversity: Parenting predicts infants’ physical health in a community sample. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 41, 452-460.

West KB, Oshri A, Mitaro E, Caughy M, Suveg C. Maternal depression and preadolescent symptoms: An examination of dyad-level moderators in an economically impoverished sample. J Fam Psychol. 2020 Apr;34(3):333-341. doi: 10.1037/fam0000610. Epub 2019 Nov 21. PMID: 31750690.

Zapolski, T., Yu, T., Brody, G., Banks, D., & Barton, A. (2020). Why now? Examining antecedents for substance use initiation among African American adolescents. Development and Psychopathology, 32(2), 719-734. doi:10.1017/S0954579419000713


Bae, D., & Wickrama, K. A. S. (2019). Pathways linking early socioeconomic adversity to diverging profiles of romantic relationship dissolution in young adulthood. Journal of Family Psychology, 33(1), 23–33.

Barton AW, Brody GH, Yu T, Kogan SM, Chen E, Ehrlich KB. The Profundity of the Everyday: Family Routines in Adolescence Predict Development in Young Adulthood. J Adolesc Health. 2019 Mar;64(3):340-346. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2018.08.029. Epub 2018 Nov 2. PMID: 30392861; PMCID: PMC9389627.

Beach, S. R. H., Lei, M. K., Simons, R. L., Barr, A. B., Simons, L. G., Cutrona, C. E., & Philibert, R. A. (2019). Perceived relationship support moderates the association of contextual stress with inflammation among African Americans. Journal of Family Psychology, 33(3), 338–348.

Brody, G. H., Yu, T., Miller, G. E., Ehrlich, K. B., & Chen, E. (2019). Preventive parenting intervention during childhood and young black adults’ unhealthful behaviors: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 60(1), 63-71. doi:10.1111/jcpp.12968

Brody, G. H., Yu, T., Nusslock, R., Barton, A. W., Miller, G. E., Chen, E., Holmes, C., McCormick, M., & Sweet, L. H. (2019). The Protective Effects of Supportive Parenting on the Relationship Between Adolescent Poverty and Resting-State Functional Brain Connectivity During Adulthood. Psychological Science, 30(7), 1040–1049.

Chen E, Shalowitz MU, Story RE, Hayen R, Leigh AKK, Hoffer LC, Austin MK, Lam PH, Brody GH, Miller GE. The costs of high self-control in Black and Latino youth with asthma: Divergence of mental health and inflammatory profiles. Brain Behav Immun. 2019 Aug;80:120-128. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2019.02.031. Epub 2019 Feb 25. PMID: 30818034; PMCID: PMC6660352.

Carter, S. E., Ong, M. L., Simons, R. L., Gibbons, F. X., Lei, M. K., & Beach, S. R. H. (2019). The effect of early discrimination on accelerated aging among African Americans. Health Psychology, 38(11), 1010–1013.

Ehrlich, K. B. (2019). Attachment and psychoneuroimmunology. Current Opinion in Psychology, 25, 96-100.

Ehrlich, K. B., & Cassidy, J. (2019). Attachment and physical health: Introduction to the special issue. Attachment and Human Development, 21, 1-4.

Ehrlich, K.B., Chen, E., Yu, T., Miller, G.E. and Brody, G.H. (2019), Exposure to Parental Depression in Adolescence and Risk for Metabolic Syndrome in Adulthood. Child Dev, 90: 1272-1285.

Ehrlich, K. B., Miller, G. E., Shalowitz, M., Story, R., Levine, C., Williams, D., Le, V., & Chen, E. (2019). Secure base representations in children with asthma: Links with symptoms, family asthma management, and cytokine regulation. Child Development, 90, e718-e728.

Ehrlich, K. B., Stern, J. A., Eccles, J. S., Dinh, J., Hopper, E. A., Kemeny, M. K., Adam, E. K., & Cassidy, J. (2019). A preliminary investigation of attachment style and inflammation in African American young adults. Attachment and Human Development, 21, 57-69.

Ehrlich, K. B., vanDellen, M. R., Felton, J. W., Lejuez, C. W., & Cassidy, J. (2019). Perceptions about marital conflict: Individual, dyadic, and family level effects. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 36, 3537-3553.

Haynes NJ, Vandenberg RJ, DeJoy DM, Wilson MG, Padilla HM, Zuercher HS, Robertson MM. The workplace health group: A case study of 20 years of multidisciplinary research. Am Psychol. 2019 Apr;74(3):380-393. doi: 10.1037/amp0000445. PMID: 30945899; PMCID: PMC6450412.

Holmes, C., Brieant, A., Kahn, R. et al. Structural Home Environment Effects on Developmental Trajectories of Self-Control and Adolescent Risk Taking. J Youth Adolescence 48, 43–55 (2019).

Holmes, C., Brieant, A., King-Casas, B. and Kim-Spoon, J. (2019), How Is Religiousness Associated With Adolescent Risk-Taking? The Roles of Emotion Regulation and Executive Function. J Res Adolesc, 29: 334-344.

Hostinar, C. E., & Miller, G. E. (2019). Protective factors for youth confronting economic hardship: Current challenges and future avenues in resilience research. American Psychologist, 74(6), 641–652.

Kogan, S. M., Bae, D., Cho, J., Smith, A. K., & Nishitani, S. (2019). Childhood Adversity, Socioeconomic Instability, Oxytocin-Receptor-Gene Methylation, and Romantic-Relationship Support Among Young African American Men. Psychological Science, 30(8), 1234–1244.

Kogan, S. M., Bae, D., Lei, M.-K., & Brody, G. H. (2019). Family-centered alcohol use prevention for African American adolescents: A randomized clinical trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 87(12), 1085–1092.

Nusslock R, Brody GH, Armstrong CC, Carroll AL, Sweet LH, Yu T, Barton AW, Hallowell ES, Chen E, Higgins JP, Parrish TB, Wang L, Miller GE. Higher Peripheral Inflammatory Signaling Associated With Lower Resting-State Functional Brain Connectivity in Emotion Regulation and Central Executive Networks. Biol Psychiatry. 2019 Jul 15;86(2):153-162. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2019.03.968. Epub 2019 May 1. PMID: 31054766; PMCID: PMC7430716.

Simons, R.L., Woodring, D., Simons, L.G. et al. Youth Adversities Amplify the Association between Adult Stressors and Chronic Inflammation in a Domain Specific Manner: Nuancing the Early Life Sensitivity Model. J Youth Adolescence 48, 1–16 (2019).

Tamika C. B. Zapolski, Alia T. Rowe, Devin E. Banks & Micah Faidley (2019) Perceived Discrimination and Substance Use among Adolescents: Examining the Moderating Effect of Distress Tolerance and Negative Urgency, Substance Use & Misuse, 54:1, 156-165, DOI: 10.1080/10826084.2018.1512625

Volling, B., Yu, T., Gonzalez, R., Tengelitsch, E., & Stevenson, M. (2019). Maternal and paternal trajectories of depressive symptoms predict family risk and children’s emotional and behavioral problems after the birth of a sibling. Development and Psychopathology, 31(4), 1307-1324. doi:10.1017/S0954579418000743



Barr, A. B., & Simons, R. L. (2018). Marital beliefs among African American emerging adults: The roles of community context, family background, and relationship experiences. Journal of Family Issues, 39(2), 352-382. doi:10.1177/0192513X16644640

Barton, A. W., Beach, S. R. H., Bryant, C. M., Lavner, J. A., & Brody, G. H. (2018). Stress spillover, African Americans’ couple and health outcomes, and the stress-buffering effect of family-centered prevention. Journal of Family Psychology, 32(2), 186-196. doi:10.1037/fam0000376   PMCID: PMC5905714

Barton, A. W., Beach, S. R. H., Wells, A. C., Ingels, J. B., Corso, P. S., Sperr, M. C., Anderson, T. N., & Brody, G. H. (2018, April 9). The Protecting Strong African American Families program: A randomized controlled trial with rural African American couples. Prevention Science. Advance online publication. doi:10.1007/s11121-018-0895-4   NIHMSID:958256

Barton, A. W. & Brody, G. H. (2018). Parenting as a buffer that deters discrimination and race-related stressors from “getting under the skin”: Theories, findings, and future directions. In B. Major, J. F. Dovidio, & B. G. Link (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of stigma, discrimination and health (pp. 335-354). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190243470.013.21

Barton, A. W., Brody, G. H., Zapolski, T. C. B., Goings, T. C., Kogan, S. M., Windle, M., & Yu, T. (2018). Trajectory classes of cannabis use and heavy drinking among rural African American adolescents: Multi-level predictors of class membership. Addiction, 113(8), 1439-1449. doi:10.1111/add.14200

Beach, S. R. H., Lei, M. K., Brody, G. H., & Philibert, R. A. (2018). Prevention of early substance use mediates, and variation at SLC6A4 moderates, SAAF intervention effects on OXTR methylation. Prevention Science, 19, 90-100. doi:10.1007/s11121-016-0709-5   PMCID:PMC5360555

Brody, G. H., Yu, T., Chen, E., Ehrlich, K. B., & Miller, G. E. (2018). Racial discrimination, body mass index, and insulin resistance: A longitudinal analysis. Health Psychology, 37(12), 1107-1114. doi:10.1037/hea0000674  PMCID:PMC6277234

Brody, G. H., Yu, T., Miller, G. E., Ehrlich, K. B., & Chen, E. (2018). John Henryism coping and metabolic syndrome among young Black adults. Psychosomatic Medicine, 80(2), 216-221. doi:10.1097/PSY.0000000000000540   PMCID: PMC5794531

Brown, J. L., Eriksen, M. D., Gause, N. K., Brody, G. H., & Sales, J. M. (2018). Impact of behavioral drug abuse treatment on sexual risk behaviors: An integrative data analysis of eight trials conducted within the National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network. Prevention Science, 19(6), 761-771. doi: 10.1007/s11121-018-0913-6  PMCID:PMC6050101

Chen, E., Miller, G. M., Yu, T., & Brody, G. H. (2018). Unsupportive parenting moderates the effects of family psychosocial intervention on metabolic syndrome in African American youth. International Journal of Obesity, 42(4), 634-640. doi:10.1038/ijo.2017.246

Gibbons, F. X., Fleischli, M. E., Gerrard, M., & Simons, R. L. (2018). Reports of perceived racial discrimination among African American children predict negative affect and smoking behavior in adulthood: A sensitive period hypothesis. Development and Psychopathology, 30(5), 1629-1647. doi:10.1017/S0954579418001244

Hanson, J. L., Gillmore, A. D., Yu, T., Holmes, C. J., Hallowell, E. S., Barton, A. W., Beach, S. R. H., Galván. A., MacKillop, J., Windle, M., Chen, E., Miller, G. E., Sweet, L. H., & Brody, G. H. (2018, October 8). A family focused intervention influences hippocampal-prefrontal connectivity through gains in self-regulation. Child Development. Advance online publication. doi:10.1111/cdev.13154

Holmes, C. J., Barton, A. W., MacKillop, J., Galván, A., Owens, M. M., McCormick, M. J., Yu, T., Beach, S. R. H., Brody, G. H., & Sweet, L. H. (2018). Parenting and salience network connectivity among African Americans: A protective pathway for health-risk behaviors. Biological Psychiatry, 84(5), 365-371.

Lavner, J. A., Barton, A. W., Bryant, C. M., & Beach, S. R. H. (2018). Racial discrimination and relationship functioning among African American couples. Journal of Family Psychology, 32(5), 686-691. doi:10.1037/fam0000415

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Lei, M.-K., Beach, S. R. H., & Simons, R. L. (2018). Childhood trauma, pubertal timing, and cardiovascular risk in adulthood. Health Psychology, 37(7), 613-617. doi:10.1037/hea0000609

Miller G.E., Chen, E., Armstrong, C.C., Carroll, A.L., Ozturk, S., Rydland, K.J., Brody, G.H., Parrish, T.B., & Nusslock, R. (2018). Functional connectivity in central executive network protects children against cardiometabolic risks linked with neighborhood violence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 115, 12063-12068. doi:10.1073/pnas.1810067115

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Simons, R. L., Lei, M.-K., Beach, S. R. H., Barr, A. B., Simons, L. G., Gibbons, F. X., & Philibert, R. A. (2018). Discrimination, segregation, and chronic inflammation: Testing the weathering explanation for the poor health of Black Americans. Developmental Psychology, 54(10), 1993-2006. doi:10.1037/dev0000511

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Barton, A. W., Hurt, T. R., Futris, T. G., Sheats, K. F., McElroy, S. E., & Landor, A. E. (2017). Being committed: Conceptualizations of romantic relationship commitment among low-income African American adolescents. Journal of Black Psychology, 43(2), 111-134. doi:10.1177/0095798415621665

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Beach, S. R. H., Lei, M. K., Ong, M. L., Brody, G. H., Dogan, M. V., & Philibert, R. A. (2017). MTHFR methylation moderates the impact of smoking on DNA methylation at AHRR for African American young adults. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 174(6), 608-618. doi:10.1002/ajmg.b.32544   NIHMSID:869866

Beach, S. R. H., Lei, M. K., Simons, R. L., Barr, A. B., Simons, L. G.,  Ehrlich, K., Brody, G. H., & Philibert, R. A. (2017). When inflammation and depression go together: The longitudinal effects of parent–child relationships. Development and Psychopathology, 29(5), 1969-1986. doi:10.1017/S0954579417001523

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Brody, G. H., Gray, J. C., Yu, T., Barton, A. W., Beach, S. R. H., Galván, A., MacKillop, J., Windle, M., Chen, E., Miller, G. E., & Sweet, L. H. (2017). Protective prevention effects on the association of poverty with brain development. JAMA Pediatrics, 171(1), 46-52. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2016.2988   PMCID:PMC5214580

Brody, G. H., Yu, T., Barton, A. W., Miller, G. E., & Chen, E. (2017). Youth temperament, harsh parenting, and variation in the oxytocin receptor gene forecast allostatic load during emerging adulthood. Development and Psychopathology, 29(3), 791-803. doi:10.1017/S095457941600047X  PMCID:PMC5154781

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Barton, A. W., Beach, S. R. H., Hurt, T.R., Fincham, F. D., Stanley, S. M., Kogan, S. M., & Brody, G. H. (2015, April 27). Determinants and long-term effects of attendance levels in a marital enrichment program for African American couples. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. Advance online publication. doi:10.1111/jmft.12126

Barton, A. W., Beach, S. R. H., Kogan, S. M., Stanley, S. M., Fincham, F. D., Hurt, T. R., & Brody, G. H. (2015). Prevention effects on trajectories of African American adolescents’ exposure to interparental conflict and depressive symptoms. Journal of Family Psychology, 29(2), 171–179. doi:10.1037/fam0000073   PMCID:PMC4533930

Barton, A. W., Kogan, S. M., Cho, J., & Brown, G. L. (2015). Father involvement and young, rural African American men’s engagement in substance misuse and multiple sexual partnerships. American Journal of Community Psychology, 56(3-4) 241-251. doi:10.1007/s10464-015-9748-5

Beach, S. R. H., Dogan, M. V., Lei, M.-K., Cutrona, C. E., Gerrard, M., Gibbons, F. X., Simons, R. L., Brody, G. H., & Philibert, R. A. (2015). Methylomic aging as a window onto the influence of lifestyle: Tobacco and alcohol use alter the rate of biological aging. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 63(12), 2519-2525. doi:10.1111/jgs.13830

Beach, S. R. H., Lei, M. K., Brody, G. H., Dogan, M. V., & Philibert, R. A. (2015). Higher levels of protective parenting are associated with better young adult health: Exploration of mediation through epigenetic influences on pro-inflammatory processes. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, Article 676. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00676   PMCID:PMC4446530

Brody, G. H., Yu, T., & Beach, S. R. H. (2015). A differential susceptibility analysis reveals the “who and how” about adolescents’ responses to preventive interventions: Tests of first- and second-generation Gene × Intervention hypotheses. Development and Psychopathology, 27(1), 37-49. doi:10.1017/S095457941400128X   PMCID:PMC4324558

Brody, G. H., Yu, T., Beach, S. R. H., & Philibert, R. A. (2015). Prevention effects ameliorate the prospective association between nonsupportive parenting and diminished telomere length. Prevention Science, 16(2), 171-180. doi:10.1007/s11121-014-0474-2   PMCID:PMC4156925

Brody, G. H., Yu, T., Chen, Y.-f., Beach, S. R. H., & Miller, G. E. (2015, December 17). Family-centered prevention ameliorates the longitudinal association between risky family processes and epigenetic aging. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. Advance online publication. doi:10.1111/jcpp.12495

Brody, G. H., Yu, T., Miller, G. E., & Chen, E. (2015). Discrimination, racial identity, and cytokine levels among African-American adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 56(5), 496-501. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2015.01.017   PMCID:PMC4409660

Chen, E., Miller, G. E., Brody, G. H., & Lei, M.K. (2015). Neighborhood poverty, college attendance, and diverging profiles of substance use and allostatic load in rural African American youth. Clinical Psychological Science, 3(5), 675-685. doi:10.1177/ 2167702614546639   NIHMSID:614904

Chen, Y.-f., & Brody, G. H. (2015). Family economic hardship, corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor polymorphisms, and depressive symptoms in rural African-American youths. Journal of Adolescent Health, 57(2), 235-240. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2015.04.022  PMCID:PMC4514916

Dogan, M. V., Xiang, J., Beach, S. R. H., Cutrona, C., Gibbons, F. X., Simons, R. L., Brody, G. H., Stapleton, J. T., & Philibert, R. A. (2015, September 22). Ethnicity and smoking-associated DNA methylation changes at HIV co-receptor GPR15. Frontiers in Psychiatry: Molecular Psychiatry, 6:132. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2015.00132

Granberg, E. M., Simons, L. G., & Simons, R. L. (2015). The role of body size in mate selection among African American young adults. Sex Roles, 73(7), 340-354. doi:10.1007/s11199-015-0530-9

Kogan, S. M., Yu, T., Allen, K. A., & Brody, G. H. (2015). Racial microstressors, racial self-concept, and depressive symptoms among male African Americans during the transition to adulthood. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 44(4), 898-909. doi:10.1007/s10964-014-0199-3   PMCID:PMC4391463

Kogan, S. M., Yu, T., Allen, K. A., Pocock, A. M., & Brody, G. H. (2015). Pathways from racial discrimination to multiple sexual partners among male African American adolescents. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 16(2), 218-228. doi:10.1037/a0037453

Landers-Potts, M. A., Wickrama, K. A. S., Simons, L. G., Cutrona, C., Gibbons, F. X., Simons, R. L., & Conger, R. (2015). An extension and moderational analysis of the family stress model focusing on African American adolescents. Family Relations, 64(2), 233-248. doi:10.1111/fare.12117

Lee, S., Lei, M.-K., & Brody, G. H. (2015). Confidence intervals for distinguishing ordinal and disordinal interactions in multiple regression. Psychological Methods, 20(2), 245-258. doi:10.1037/met0000033

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Lei, M.-K., Beach, S. R. H., Simons, R. L., & Philibert, R. A. (2015). Neighborhood crime and depressive symptoms among African American women: Genetic moderation and epigenetic mediation of effects. Social Science and Medicine, 146, 120-128. doi:10.1016/ j.socscimed.2015.10.035

Miller, G. E., Yu, T., Chen, E., & Brody, G. H. (2015, August 18). Self-control forecasts better psychosocial outcomes but faster epigenetic aging in low-SES youth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(33), 10325-10330. doi:10.1073/pnas.1505063112

Obasi, E. M., Shirtcliff, E. A., Brody, G. H., MacKillop, J., Pittman, D. M., Cavanagh, L., & Philibert, R. (2015). The relationship between alcohol consumption, perceived stress, and CRHR1 genotype on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in rural African Americans. Frontiers in Psychology, 6:832. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00832

Rusu, P. P., Hilpert, P., Beach, S. R. H., Turliuc, M. N., & Bodenmann, G. (2015). Dyadic coping mediates the association of sanctification with marital satisfaction and well-being. Journal of Family Psychology, 29(6), 843-849. doi:10.1037/ fam0000108

Sales, J. M., Brown, J. L., Swartzendruber, A., Smearman, E. L., Brody, G. H., & DiClemente, R. J. (2015, June 22). Genetic sensitivity to emotional cues, racial discrimination and depressive symptoms among African-American adolescent females. Frontiers in Psychology, 6:854. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00854

Windle, M., Kogan, S. M., Lee, S., Chen, Y.-F., Lei, K. M., Brody, G. H., Beach, S. R. H., & Yu, T. (2015, June 15). Neighborhood × serotonin transporter linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) interactions for substance use from ages 10 to 24 years using a harmonized data set of African American children. Development and Psychopathology. Advance online publication. doi:10.1017/S095457941500053X

Yarboi, J., Compas, B. E., Brody, G. H., White, D., Patterson, J. R., Ziara, K., & King, A. (2015, November 15). Association of social-environmental factors with cognitive function in children with sickle cell disease. Child Neuropsychology. Advance online publication. doi:10.1080/ 09297049.2015.1111318


Barr, A. B., & Simons, R. L. (2014). A dyadic analysis of relationships and health: Does couple-level context condition partner effects? Journal of Family Psychology, 28(4), 448-459. doi:10.1037/a0037310

Beach, S. R. H., Barton, A. W., Lei, M. K., Brody, G. H., Kogan, S. M., Hurt, T. R., Fincham, F. D., & Stanley, S. M. (2014). The effect of communication change on long-term reductions in child exposure to conflict: Impact of the Promoting Strong African American Families (ProSAAF) program. Family Process, 53(4), 580-595. doi:10.1111/ famp.12085

Beach, S. R. H., Brody, G. H., Lei, M. K., Kim, S., Cui, J., & Philibert, R. A. (2014). Is serotonin transporter genotype associated with epigenetic susceptibility or vulnerability? Examination of the impact of socioeconomic status risk on African American youth. Development and Psychopathology, 26(2), 289-304. doi:10.1017/S0954579413000990

Beach, S. R. H., Dogan, M. V., Brody, G. H., & Philibert, R. A. (2014). Differential impact of cumulative SES risk on methylation of protein–protein interaction pathways as a function of SLC6A4 genetic variation in African American young adults. Biological Psychology, 96(1), 28-34. doi:10.1016/biopsycho.2013.10.006   PMCID:PMC3946695

Beach, S. R. H., Gerrard, M., Gibbons, F. X., Brody, G. H., & Philibert, R. A. (2014, April 7). A role for epigenetics in broadening the scope of pediatric care in the prevention of adolescent smoking. Epigenetic Diagnosis and Therapy, 1. Advance online publication. doi:10.2174/ 2214083201999140320153918

Beach, S. R. H., Lei, M. K., Brody, G. H., Yu, T., & Philibert, R. A. (2014). Nonsupportive parenting affects telomere length in young adulthood among African Americans: Mediation through substance use. Journal of Family Psychology, 28(6), 967-972. doi:10.1037/fam0000039  PMID25485673   PMCID:PMC4533918

Brody, G. H., Lei, M.-K., Chen, E., & Miller, G. E. (2014). Neighborhood poverty and allostatic load in African American youth. Pediatrics, 134(5), e1362-e1368. doi:10.1542/peds .2014.1395   NIHMSID:639254

Brody, G. H., Lei, M.-K., Chae, D. H., Yu, T., Kogan, S. M., & Beach, S. R. H. (2014). Perceived discrimination among African American adolescents and allostatic load: A longitudinal analysis with buffering effects. Child Development, 85(3), 989-1002. doi:10.1111/cdev.12213   PMCID: PMC4019687

Brody, G. H., Yu, T., Beach, S. R. H., Kogan, S. M., Windle, M., & Philibert, R. A. (2014). Harsh parenting and adolescent health: A longitudinal analysis with genetic moderation. Health Psychology, 33(5), 401-409. doi:10.1037/a0032686   PMCID:PMC4534086

Brody, G. H., Yu, T., Chen, E., & Miller, G. E. (2014). Prevention moderates associations between family risks and youth catecholamine levels. Health Psychology, 33(11), 1435-1439. doi:10.1037/hea0000072   PMCID:PMC4153795

Brody, G. H., Chen, Y.-f., Beach, S. R. H., Kogan, S. M., Yu, T., DiClemente, R. J., Wingood, G. M., Windle, M., & Philibert, R. A. (2014). Differential sensitivity to prevention programming: A dopaminergic polymorphism-enhanced prevention effect on protective parenting and adolescent substance use. Health Psychology, 33(2), 182-191. doi:10.1037/a0031253   PMCID: PMC3695005

Brody, G. H., Yu, T., MacKillop, J., Miller, G. E., Chen, E., Obasi, E. M., & Beach, S. R. H. (2014). Catecholamine levels and delay discounting forecast drug use among African American youths. Addiction, 109(7), 1112-1118. doi:10.1111/add.12516  PMCID:PMC4048637

Chae, D. H., Nuru-Jeter, A. M., Adler, N. E., Brody, G. H., Lin, J., Blackburn, E. H., & Epel, E. S. (2014). Discrimination, racial bias, and telomere length in African-American men. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 46(2), 103-111. doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2013 .10.020

Clark, T. T. (2014). Perceived discrimination, depressive symptoms, and substance use in young adulthood. Addictive Behaviors, 39(6), 1021-1025. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2014.01.013

Dogan, M. V., Shields, B., Cutrona, C. E., Gao, L., Gibbons, F. X., Simons, R. L., Monick, M. M., Brody, G. H., Tan, K., Beach, S. R. H., & Philibert, R. A. (2014). The effect of smoking on DNA methylation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from African American women. BMC Genomics, 15:151. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-151   PMCID:PMC3936875

Fincham, F. D., & Beach, S. R. H. (2014). I say a little prayer for you: Praying for partner increases commitment in romantic relationships. Journal of Family Psychology, 28(5), 587-593. doi:10.1037/a0034999

Kogan, S. M., Lei, M.-K., Beach, S. R. H., Brody, G. H., Windle, M., Lee, S., MacKillop, J., & Chen, Y.-f. (2014). Dopamine receptor gene D4 polymorphisms and early sexual onset: Gender and environmental moderation in a sample of African-American youth. Journal of Adolescent Health, 55(2), 235-240. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2014.02.019   PMCID:4108506

Lei, M.-K., Simons, R. L., Simons, L. G., & Edmond, M. B. (2014). Gender equality and violent behavior: How neighborhood gender equality influences the gender gap in violence. Violence and Victims, 29(1), 89-108. doi:10.1891/0886-6708.VV-D-12-00102

Lei, M-K, Simons, R. L., Edmond, M. B., Simons, L. G., & Cutrona, C. E. (2014). The effect of neighborhood disadvantage, social ties, and genetic variation on the antisocial behavior of African American women: A multilevel analysis. Development and Psychopathology, 26, 1113-1128. doi:10.1017/S0954579414000200

McNeil, S. N., Fincham, F. D., & Beach, S. R. H. (2014). Does spousal support moderate the association between perceived racial discrimination and depressive symptoms among African American couples? Family Process, 53(1), 109-119. doi:10.1111/famp.12054

Miller, G. E., Brody, G. H., Yu, T., & Chen, E. (2014). A family-oriented psychosocial intervention reduces inflammation in low-SES African American youth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111(31), 11287-11292. doi/10.1073/pnas.1406578111

Miller, G. E., Chen, E., & Brody, G. H. (2014, January 4). Can upward mobility cost you your health? The New York Times [Online commentary]. Retrieved from http://opinionator

Murry, V. M., Berkel, C., Simons, R. L., Simons, L. G., & Gibbons, F. X. (2014). A twelve-year longitudinal analysis of positive youth development among rural African American males. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 24(3), 512–525. doi:10.1111/jora.12129

Murry, V. M., McNair, L. D., Myers, S. S., Chen, Y.-f., & Brody, G. H. (2014). Intervention induced changes in perceptions of parenting and risk opportunities among rural African American [sic]. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 23(2), 422-436. doi:10.1007/ s10826-013-9714-5

Philibert, R. A., Beach, S. R. H., & Brody, G. H. (2014). The DNA methylation signature of smoking: An archetype for the identification of biomarkers for behavioral illness. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, 61(1), 109-127. doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-0653-6_6 NIHMSID:713983

Philibert, R. A., Terry, N., Erwin, C., Philibert, W. J., Beach, S. R. H., & Brody, G. H. (2014). Methylation array data can simultaneously identify individuals and convey protected health information: An unrecognized ethical concern. Clinical Epigenetics, 6, Article 28. doi:10.1186/1868-7083-6-28  PMCID:PMC4391334

Sales, J. M., DiClemente, R. J., Brody, G. H., Philibert, R. A. & Rose, E. (2014). Interaction between 5-HTTLPR polymorphism and abuse history on adolescent African-American females’ condom use behavior following participation in an HIV prevention intervention. Prevention Science, 15(3), 257-267. doi:10.1007/s11121-013-0378-6   PMCID:PMC 3769489

Sales, Jessica M., Monahan, J. L., Brooks, C., DiClemente, R. J., Rose, E., & Samp, J. A. (2014). Differences in sexual risk behaviors between lower and higher frequency alcohol-using African-American adolescent females. Current HIV Research, 12(4), 1873-4251. doi:10.2174/1570162X12666140721122606   PMCID:PMC4508002

Sales, Jessica M., Smearman, E. L., Swartzendruber, A., Brown, J. L., Brody, G., & DiClemente, R. J. (2014). Socioeconomic-related risk and sexually transmitted infection among African-American adolescent females. Journal of Adolescent Health, 55(5), 698-704. doi:10.1016/j.adohealth.2014.05.005  PMCID:PMC4209307

Simons, L. G., Simons, R. L., Landor, A. M., Bryant, C. M., & Beach, S. R. H. (2014). Factors linking childhood experiences to adult romantic relationships among African Americans. Journal of Family Psychology, 28(3), 368-379. doi:10.1037/ a0036393


Beach, S. R. H., Brody, G. H., Lei, M.-K., Gibbons, F. X., Gerrard, M., Simons, R. L., Cutrona, C. E., & Philibert, R. A. (2013). Impact of child sex abuse on adult psychopathology: A genetically and epigenetically informed investigation. Journal of Family Psychology, 27(1), 3-11. doi:10.1037/a0031459   PMCID:PMC3813956

Beach, S. R. H., & Whisman, M. A. (2013). Genetics and epigenetics in family context: Introduction to the special section. Journal of Family Psychology, 27(1), 1-2. doi:10.1037/a0031484

Brody, G. H., Beach, S. R. H., Hill, K. G., Howe, G. W., Prado, G., & Fullerton, S. M. (2013). Using genetically informed, randomized prevention trials to test etiological hypotheses about child and adolescent drug use and psychopathology. American Journal of Public Health, 103(Suppl. 1), S19-S24. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2012.301080   PMCID:PMC3783004

Berkel, C., Murry, V. M., Roulston, K. J., & Brody, G. H. (2013). Understanding the art and science of implementation in the SAAF efficacy trial. Health Education, 113(4), 297-323. doi:10.1108/

Brody, G. H., Chen, Y.-f., & Beach, S. R. H. (2013). Differential susceptibility to prevention:  GABAergic, dopaminergic, and multilocus effects. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 54(8), 863-871. doi:10.1111/jcpp.12042   PMCID:PMC3771493

Brody, G. H., Yu, T., Chen, Y.-f., Kogan, S. M., Evans, G. W., Beach, S. R. H., Windle, M., Simons, R. L., Gerrard, M., Gibbons, F. X., & Philibert, R. A. (2013). Cumulative socioeconomic status risk, allostatic load, and adjustment: A prospective latent profile analysis with contextual and genetic protective factors. Developmental Psychology, 49(5), 913-927. doi:10.1037/a0028847

Brody, G. H., Yu, T., Chen, Y.-f., Kogan, S. M., Evans, G. W., Windle, M., Gerrard, M., Gibbons, F. X., Simons, R. L., & Philibert, R. A. (2013). Supportive family environments, genes that confer sensitivity, and allostatic load among rural African American emerging adults: A prospective analysis. Journal of Family Psychology, 27(1), 22-29. doi:10.1037/a0027829   PMCID:PMC3390435

Brody, G. H., Yu, T., Chen, E., Miller, G. E., Kogan, S. M., & Beach, S. R. H. (2013). Is resilience only skin deep? Rural African Americans’ socioeconomic status-related risk and competence in preadolescence and psychological adjustment and allostatic load at age 19. Psychological Science, 24(7), 1285-1293. doi:10.1177/ 0956797612471954   PMCID:PMC3713113

Corso, P. S., Ingels, J. B., Kogan, S. M., Foster, E. M., Chen, Y.-f., & Brody, G. H. (2013). Economic analysis of a multi-site prevention program: Assessment of program costs and characterizing site-level variability. Prevention Science, 14(5), 447-456. doi:10.1007/ s11121-012-0316-z

Hurt, T. R., Brody, G. H., Murry, V. M., Berkel, C., & Chen, Y.-f. (2013). Elucidating parenting processes that influence adolescent alcohol use: A qualitative inquiry. Journal of Adolescent Research, 28(1), 3-30. doi:10.1177/0743558412447851   PMCID:PMC3572793

Ingels, J. B., Corso, P. S., Kogan, S. M., & Brody, G. H. (2013). Cost-effectiveness of the Strong African American Families–Teen program: 1-year follow-up. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 133(2), 556-561. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2013.07.036

Kogan, S. M., Cho, J., Allen, K., Lei, M.-K., Beach, S. R. H., Gibbons, F. X., Simons, L. G., Simons, R. L., & Brody, G. H. (2013). Avoiding adolescent pregnancy: A longitudinal analysis of African-American youth. Journal of Adolescent Health, 53(1), 14-20. [Note: Related editorial is appended.] doi:10.1016/jadohealth.2013.01.024   PMCID:PMC3691343

Kogan, S. M., Lei, M.-K., Grange, C. R., Simons, R. L., Brody, G. H., Gibbons, F. X., & Chen, Y.-f. (2013). The contribution of community and family contexts to African American young adults’ romantic relationship health: A prospective analysis. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 42(6), 878-890. doi:10.1007/s10964-013-9935-3   PMCID:PMC3653993

Kogan, S. M., Simons, L. G., Chen, Y.-f., Burwell, S., & Brody, G. H. (2013). Protective parenting, relationship power equity, and condom use among rural African American emerging adult women. Family Relations, 62(2), 341-353. doi:10.1111/fare.12003

Kogan, S. M., Yu, T., Brody, G. H., & Allen, K. A. (2013). The development of conventional sexual partner trajectories among African American male adolescents. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 42(5) 825-834. doi:10.1007/s10508-012-0025-5   PMCID:PMC3586382

Landor, A. M., Simons, L. G., Simons, R. L., Brody, G. H., Bryant, C.M., Gibbons, F. X., Granberg, E. M., & Melby, J. N. (2013). Exploring the impact of skin tone on family dynamics and race-related outcomes. Journal of Family Psychology, 27(5), 817-826. doi:10.1037/a0033883

McAlearney, A. S., Terris, D., Hardacre, J., Spurgeon, P., Brown, C., Baumgart, A., & Nyström, M. E. (2013). Organizational coherence in health care organizations: Conceptual guidance to facilitate quality improvement and organizational change. Quality Management in Health Care, 22(2), 86-99. doi:10.1097/QMH.0b013e31828bc37d

Philibert, R. A., Beach, S. R. H., Lei, M.-K., & Brody, G. H. (2013, October 11). Changes in DNA methylation at the aryl hydrocarbon receptor repressor may be a new biomarker for smoking. Clinical Epigenetics, 5, Article 19. doi:10.1186/1868-7083-5-19  Available at PMCID:PMC3819644

Sales, Jessica M., Smearman, E. L., Brody, G. H., Milhausen, R., Philibert, R. A., & DiClemente, R. J. (2013). Factors associated with sexual arousal, sexual sensation seeking and sexual satisfaction among female African American adolescents. Sexual Health, 10(6), 512-521. doi:10.1071/SH13005  PMCID:PMC3839054

Simons, R. L., Simons, L. G., Lei, M.-K., Beach, S. R. H., Brody, G. H., Gibbons, F. X., & Philibert, R. A. (2013). Genetic moderation of the impact of parenting on hostility toward romantic partners. Journal of Marriage and Family, 75(2), 325-341. doi:10.1111/jomf .12010

Stock, M. L., Gibbons, F. X., Gerrard, M., Houlihan, A. E., Weng, C.-Y., Lorenz, F. O., & Simons, R. L. (2013). Racial identification, racial composition, and substance use vulnerability among African American adolescents and young adults. Health Psychology, 32(3), 237-247. doi:10.1037/a0030149

Stock, M. L., Gibbons, F. X., Peterson, Laurel M., & Gerrard, M. (2013). The effects of racial discrimination on the HIV-risk cognitions and behaviors of Black adolescents and young adults. Health Psychology, 32(5), 543-550. doi:10.1037/a0028815


Beach, S. R. H., Lei, M. K., Brody, G. H., Simons, R. L., Cutrona, C., & Philibert, R. A. (2012). Genetic moderation of contextual effects on negative arousal and parenting in African-American parents. Journal of Family Psychology, 26(1), 46-55. doi:10.1037/a0026236   PMCID:PMC3274648

Brody, G. H., Chen, Y.-f., Kogan, S. M., Yu, T., Molgaard, V. K., DiClemente, R. J., & Wingood, G. M. (2012). Family-centered program deters substance use, conduct problems, and depressive symptoms in Black adolescents. Pediatrics, 129(1), 108-115. doi:10.1542/peds.2011-0623   PMCID:PMC3255466

Brody, G. H., Chen, Y.-f., Yu, T., Beach, S. R. H., Kogan, S. M., Simons, R. L., Windle, M., & Philibert, R. A. (2012). Life stress, the dopamine receptor gene, and emerging adult drug use trajectories: A longitudinal, multilevel, mediated moderation analysis. Development and Psychopathology, 24(3), 941-951. doi:10.1017/S0954579412000466   PMCID:PMC3395235

Brody, G. H., Kogan, S. M., & Grange, C. M. (2012). Translating longitudinal, developmental research with rural African American families into prevention programs for rural African American youth. In V. Maholmes & R. B. King (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of poverty and child development (pp. 553-570). New York, NY: Oxford University Press-USA.

Brody, G. H., Kogan, S. M., & Chen, Y.-f. (2012). Perceived discrimination and longitudinal increases in adolescent substance use: Gender differences and mediational pathways. American Journal of Public Health, 102(5), 1006-1011. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2011.300588   PMCID:PMC3325367

Brody, G. H., Yu, T., Chen, Y.-f., Kogan, S. M., & Smith, K. (2012). The Adults in the Making program: Long-term protective stabilizing effects on alcohol use and substance use problems for rural African American emerging adults. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 80(1), 17-28. doi:10.1037/a0026592   PMCID:PMC3265673

Gerrard, M., Stock, M. L., Roberts, M. E., Gibbons, F. X., O’Hara, R. E., Weng, C.-Y., & Wills, T. A. (2012). Coping with racial discrimination: The role of substance use. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 26(3), 550-560. doi:10.1037/a0027711

Gibbons, F. X., O’Hara, R. E., Stock, M. L., Gerrard, M., Weng, C.-Y., & Wills, T. A. (2012). The erosive effects of racism: Reduced self-control mediates the relation between perceived racial discrimination and substance use in African American adolescents. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102(5), 1089-1104. doi:10.1037/a0027404

Gibbons, F. X., Roberts, M. E., Gerrard, M., Li, Z., Beach, S. R. H., Simons, R. L., Weng, C.-Y., & Philibert, R. A. (2012). The impact of stress on the life history strategies of African American adolescents: Cognitions, genetic moderation, and the role of discrimination. Developmental Psychology, 48(3), 722-739. doi:10.1037/a0026599   PMCID:PMC4324554

Hurt, T. R., Beach, S. R. H., Stokes, L. A., Bush, P. L., Sheats, K. J., & Robinson, S. G. (2012). Engaging African American men in empirically based marriage enrichment programs: Lessons from two focus groups on the ProSAAM project. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 18(3), 312-315. doi:10.1037/a0028697

Kogan, S. M., Brody, G. H., Molgaard, V. K., Grange, C. M., Oliver, D. A. H., Anderson, T. N., DiClemente, R. J., Wingood, G. M., Chen, Y.-f., & Sperr, M. C. (2012). The Strong African American Families–Teen trial: Rationale, design, engagement processes, and family-specific effects. Prevention Science, 13(2), 206-217. doi:10.1007/ s11121-011-0257-y   PMCID:PMC3756659

Kogan, S. M., Yu, T., Brody, G. H., Chen, Y.-f., DiClemente, R. J., Wingood, G. M., & Corso, P. S. (2012). Integrating condom skills into family-centered prevention: Efficacy of the Strong African American Families–Teen program. Journal of Adolescent Health, 51(2), 164-170. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2011.11.022   PMCID:PMC3404410

O’Hara, R. E., Gibbons, F. X., Weng, C.-Y., Gerrard, M., & Simons, R. L. (2012). Perceived racial discrimination as a barrier to college enrollment for African Americans. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38(1), 77-89. doi:10.1177/ 0146167211420732

Philibert, R. A., Beach, S. R. H., & Brody, G. H. (2012). Demethylation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor repressor as a biomarker for nascent smokers. Epigenetics, 7(11), 1331-1338. doi:10.4161/epi.22520

Philibert, R. A., Plume, J. M., Gibbons, F. X., Brody, G. H., & Beach, S. R. H. (2012). The impact of recent alcohol use on genome wide DNA methylation signatures. Frontiers in Genetics: Behavioral and Psychiatric Genetics, 3, Article 54. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2012 .00054

Plume, J. M., Beach, S. R. H., Brody, G. H., & Philibert, R. A. (2012). A cross-platform genome-wide comparison of the relationship of promoter DNA methylation to gene expression. Frontiers in Genetics: Epigenomics, 3, Article 12. doi:10.3389/fgene.2012 .00012   PMCID: PMC3277264

Roberts, M. E., Gibbons, F. X., Gerrard, M., Weng, C.-Y., Murry, V. M., Simons, L. G., Simons, R. L., & Lorenz, F. O. (2012). From racial discrimination to risky sex: Prospective relations involving peers and parents. Developmental Psychology, 48(1), 89-102. doi:10.1037/a0025430

Schofield, T. J., Conger, R. D., Conger, K. J., Martin, M. J., Brody, G., Simons, R., & Cutrona, C. (2012). Neighborhood disorder and children’s antisocial behavior: The protective effect of family support among Mexican American and African American families. American Journal of Community Psychology, 50(1/2), 101-113. doi:10.1007/s10464-011-9481-7

Simons, R. L., Lei, M. K., Stewart, E. A., Beach, S. R. H., Brody, G. H., Philibert, R. A., & Gibbons, F. X. (2012). Social adversity, genetic variation, street code, and aggression: A genetically informed model of violent behavior. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 10(1), 3-24. doi:10.1177/1541204011422087   PMCID:PMC3684565

Vijayendran, M., Beach, S. R. H., Plume, J. M., Brody, G. H., & Philibert, R. A. (2012, June). Effects of genotype and child abuse on DNA methylation and gene expression at the serotonin transporter. Frontiers in Psychiatry: Child and Neurodevelopmental Psychiatry, 3, Article 55. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2012.00055

Vijayendran, M., Cutrona, C., Beach, S. R. H., Brody, G. H., Russell, D., & Philibert, R. A. (2012). The relationship of the serotonin transporter (SLC6A4) extra long variant to gene expression in an African American sample. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 159B(5), 611-612. doi:10.1002/ ajmg.b.32054


Beach, S. R. H., Brody, G. H., Todorov, A. A., Gunter, T. D., & Philibert, R. A. (2011). Methylation at 5HTT mediates the impact of child sex abuse on women’s antisocial behavior: An examination of the Iowa Adoptee Sample. Psychosomatic Medicine, 73(1), 83-87. doi:10.1097/PSY.0b013e3181fdd074   PMCID:PMC3016449

Brody, G. H., Beach, S. R. H., Chen, Y.-f., Obasi, E., Philibert, R. A., Kogan, S. M., & Simons, R. L. (2011). Perceived discrimination, serotonin transporter linked polymorphic region status, and the development of conduct problems. Development and Psychopathology, 23(2), 617-627. doi:10.1017/S0954579411000046   PMCID:PMC3695422

Grange, C. M., Brubaker, S. J., & Corneille, M. A. (2011). Direct and indirect messages African American women receive from their familial networks about intimate relationships and sex: The intersecting influence of race, gender, and class. Journal of Family Issues, 32(5), 605-628. doi:10.1177/0192513X10395360

Kogan, S. M., Brody, G. H., & Chen, Y.-f. (2011). Natural mentoring processes deter externalizing problems among rural African American emerging adults: A prospective analysis. American Journal of Community Psychology, 48(3-4), 272-283. doi:10.1007/ s10464-011-9425-2   PMCID:PMC3168708

Kogan, S. M., Brody, G. H., Chen, Y.-f., & DiClemente, R. J. (2011). Self-regulatory problems mediate the association of contextual stressors and unprotected intercourse among rural, African American, young adult men. Journal of Health Psychology, 16(1), 50-57. doi:10.1177/1359105310367831

Kogan, S. M., Brody, G. H., Gibbons, F. X., Chen, Y.-f., Grange, C. M., Simons, R. L., Gerrard, M.,  & Cutrona, C. E. (2011). Mechanisms of family impact on African American adolescents’ HIV-related behavior. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21(2), 361-375. doi:10.1111/j.1532-7795.2010.00672.x

Kogan, S. M., Wejnert, C., Chen, Y.-f., Brody, G. H., & Slater, L. M. (2011). Respondent-driven sampling with hard-to-reach emerging adults: An introduction and case study with rural African Americans. Journal of Adolescent Research, 26(1), 30-60. doi:10.1177/ 074355841038473

Landor, A., Simons, L. G., Simons, R. L., Brody, G. H., & Gibbons, F. X. (2011). The role of religiosity in the relationship between parents, peers, and adolescent risky sexual behavior. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 40(3), 296-309. doi:10.1007/s10964-010-9598-2  PMCID:PMC3391607

Martin, M. J., McCarthy, B., Conger, R. D., Gibbons, F. X., Simons, R. L., Cutrona, C. E., & Brody, G. H. (2011). The enduring significance of racism: Discrimination and delinquency among Black American youth. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21(3), 662-676. doi:10.1111/j.1532-7795.2010.00699.x

Murry, V. M., Heflinger, C. A., Suiter, S. V., & Brody, G. H. (2011). Examining perceptions about mental health care and help-seeking among rural African American families of adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 40(9), 1118-1131. doi:10.1007/s10964-010-9627-1

Philibert, R. A., Wernett, P., Plume, J., Packer, H., Brody, G. H., & Beach, S. R. H. (2011). Gene-environment interactions with a novel variable Monoamine Oxidase A transcriptional enhancer are associated with antisocial personality disorder. Biological Psychology, 87(3), 366-371. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2011.04.007  PMCID:PMC3134149

Philibert, R. A., Beach, S. R. H., Gunter, T. D., Todorov, A. A., Brody, G. H., Vijayendran, M., Elliott, L., Hollenbeck, N., Russell, D., & Cutrona, C. (2011). The relationship of deiodinase 1 genotype and thyroid function to lifetime history of major depression in three independent populations. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 156B(5), 593-599. doi:10.1002/ajmg.b.31200   PMCID:PMC3236034

Van IJzendoorn, M. H., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M. J., Belsky, J., Beach, S., Brody, G., Dodge, K. A., Greenberg, M., Posner, M., & Scott, S. (2011). Gene-by-environment experiments: A new approach to findings the missing heritability. Nature Reviews Genetics, 12(12), 881. doi:10.1038/nrg2764-c1

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2010 and earlier

Armistead, L., Forehand, R., Brody, G., & Maguen, S. (2002). Parenting and child psychosocial adjustment in single-parent African American families: Is community context important? Behavior Therapy, 33(3), 361-375. doi:10.1016/S0005-7894(02)80033-8

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Beach, S. R. H., Brody, G. H., Gunter, T. D., Packer, H., Wernett, P., & Philibert,  R. A. (2010). Child maltreatment moderates the association of MAOA with symptoms of depression and antisocial personality disorder. Journal of Family Psychology, 24(1), 12-20. doi:10.1037/a0018074   PMCID: PMC2839928

Beach, S. R. H., Brody, G. H., Kogan, S. M., Philibert, R. A., Chen, Y.-f., & Lei, M. K. (2009). Change in caregiver depression in response to parent training: Genetic moderation of intervention effects. Journal of Family Psychology, 23(1), 112-117. doi:10.1037/ a0013562

Beach, S. R. H., Brody, G. H., Lei, M.-K., & Philibert, R. A. (2010). Differential susceptibility to parenting among African American youths: Testing the DRD4 hypothesis. Journal of Family Psychology, 24(5), 513-521. doi:10.1037/a0020835   PMCID:PMC2958690

Beach, S. R. H., Brody, G. H., Todorov, A. A., Gunter, T. D., & Philibert, R. A. (2010). Methylation at SLC6A4 is linked to family history of child abuse: An examination of the Iowa Adoptee Sample. American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 153B(2), 710-713. doi:10.1002/ajmg.b.31028   PMCID:PMC2909112

Beach, S. R. H., Fincham, F. D., Hurt, T. R., McNair, L. M., & Stanley, S. M. (2008). Prayer and marital intervention: A conceptual framework. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 27(7), 641-669. doi:10.1521/jscp.2008.27.7.641

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Beach, S. R. H., Katz, J., Kim, S., & Brody, G. H. (2003). Prospective effects of marital satisfaction on depressive symptoms in established marriages: A dyadic model. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 20(3), 355-371. doi:10.1177/0265407503020003005

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Berkel, C., Murry, V. M., Hurt, T. R., Chen, Y.-f., Brody, G. H., Simons, R. L., Cutrona, C., & Gibbons, F. X. (2009). It takes a village: Protecting rural African American youth in the context of racism. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 38(2), 175-188. doi:10.1007/ s10964-008-9346-z   PMCID:PMC2729557

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Brody, G. H., Chen, Y.-f., & Kogan, S. M. (2010). A cascade model connecting life stress to risk behavior among rural African American emerging adults. Development and Psychopathology, 22(3), 667-678. doi:10.1017/S0954579410000350   PMCID:PMC2902871

Brody, G. H., Chen, Y.-f., Kogan, S. M., Murry, V. M., & Brown, A. C. (2010). Long-term effects of the Strong African American Families program on youths’ alcohol use. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 78(2), 281-285. doi:10.1037/a0018552   PMCID:PMC2904520

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