Conducting Research with the Strong African American Families Programs

The Strong African American Families Programs (SAAF and SAAF-Teen) are solely owned by the Center for Family Research (CFR) at the University of Georgia. Although the programs are primarily available for dissemination to organizations that serve families, we welcome inquiries regarding research and grants, as well as adaptation of the SAAF Programs. We encourage researchers to contact us early in the grant writing and/or research design process to ensure adequate time for consideration and collaboration before the proposal is due. This page provides considerations for interested researchers and a form to submit an inquiry to use the SAAF Programs in a research initiative.

Typical Scope of Work for CFR Dissemination Unit

  • Project planning meetings with CFR representatives and the research team.
  • Training on selected program: Individuals who deliver the selected program must attend the 3-day facilitator training conducted by Drs. Tracy Anderson and Gregory Rhodes.
  • Technical assistance related to program delivery and fidelity monitoring.
  • Technical assistance/support with program adaptation.

Budgetary Considerations

  • As part of the University of Georgia, the CFR is required to abide by guidelines provided by our Sponsored Projects Administration for research activities. This typically means that CFR/UGA is considered a sub recipient in the proposed project and we will have to provide a detailed budget that must abide by cost principles (2 CFR 200 Subpart E).
  • Other Budgetary Considerations
  • For federally funded projects, we will develop a budget that includes personnel and expenses as well as UGA’s negotiated indirect cost rate.
    • If the sponsor has an official written and publicly disclosed policy that limits indirect costs, UGA may accept these requirements and use the lower rate.
    • Personnel costs will be determined at an agreed-upon percentage of effort for Dr. Tracy Anderson, CFR Assistant Director and Dissemination Unit Lead. Percent time will be greater when modifying or adapting SAAF than when only training on the existing SAAF program is required.
    • Additional personnel costs may include Dr. Steven Kogan, Director of Community Outreach, and/or Dr. Gregory Rhodes, Dissemination Specialist, depending on training needs.
    • Travel and supplies and materials expenses associated with training and any other needed support will be estimated for each year of the budget.

Additional Expectations of CFR

  • Incorporation of Intervention Targeted measures used in the original research trials to allow comparability with initial program results.
  • Acknowledgement of the selected SAAF Program in study materials and publications.
  • Provision of the final copy of the adapted program to CFR.
  • Co-authorship on primary outcome publications for one or more CFR representatives.