Unraveling Genetic Influences on Substance Misuse: The Intermediate Phenotype Approach
Symposium lectures are currently archived and available upon request. Please contact Dr. Allen Barton at awbarton@uga.edu for a copy of the 2nd Annual CGAPS Symposium lecture series.
2nd Annual Symposium lecture series, featuring: Dr. James MacKillop, University of Georgia, An Intermediate Phenotype Approach to Addiction Genetics: A Brief History… Dr. Markus Heilig, NIAAA/NIH, The Role of Genetic Variation at the OPRM1 Locus for Alcohol Reward and Naltrexone Treatment Responses… Dr. Ron Simons, University of Georgia Environmental Influences, GABRA2 Haplotypes, Cognitive Prototypes, and Substance Use: A Mediated Moderation Model… Dr. Lara Ray – University of California, Los Angeles, Subjective Responses to Alcohol as Intermediate Phenotypes for Alcoholism: Rationale and Empirical Findings… Dr. Harriet de Wit, University of Chicago, Subjective Drug Responses as Intermediate Phenotypes… Dr. Mary-Anne Enoch, NIAAA/NIH, Detection of Genetic Influences using the Resting EEG as an Intermediate Phenotype for Alcoholism and Anxiety… Dr. James MacKillop, University of Georgia, Delay of Gratification and Addictive Behavior: An Intermediate Phenotype Approach… Dr. Todorov – Washington University, Impulsivity, ADHD and Alcohol/Substance Misuse… Dr. Michael Windle – Emory University, Intermediate Phenotypes for Alcohol Use and Alcohol Dependence: Empirical Findings and Conceptual Models… Dr. Kent Hutchison – University of Colorado, Boulder, Alcohol Dependence: Neurobiological Phenotypes and Genome Wide Arrays… Dr. John McGeary – Brown University, DRD4 VNTR and Incentive Salience… Dr. George Uhl – NIDA, Intermediate, overlapping and conditional phenotypes: genetic contributions to prevention success, substance dependence and quit success… Dr. Danielle Dick – Virginia Commonwealth University, The Importance of Development in Understanding Genetic Influences on Alcohol-Related Outcomes… Dr. Angela Bryan – University of Colorado, Boulder, Linking Genetics and Treatment Response in Adolescents: Neurocognitive Factors as Intermediate Phenotypes… Dr. Abraham Palmer – University of Chicago, Using Intermediate Phenotypes to Bridge the Gap Between Human and Mouse Genetics