Brody announces his retirement

Dr. Gene Brody, CFR founder and co-director, has announced his retirement from CFR on June 30 of this year. Brody began his career 46 years ago at UGA, first as an assistant professor and eventually the status of Regent’s Professor and established the Center for Family Research in 1993. “CFR didn’t have many resources back then, “he says, “but we had some good fortune and earned the trust of rural communities and the Black families who lived there. The funders at NIH thought that what we were doing was important; they took a chance on our first longitudinal study and have continued to invest in us for nearly three decades.”
“Gene Brody has an extraordinary mind – and an amazing heart,” says CFR’s Associate Director, Anita Brown. “In 30 years of working alongside him, I never witnessed an unkind word directed at anyone. He wanted CFR to be a place where people felt respected and appreciated for doing the hard work of ground-breaking research. And because he always led with kindness, he managed to do exactly that.”
CFR’s Director, Steve Beach adds that “Dr. Brody has been a leading figure in the field for decades and has allowed the Center for Family Research to become known far beyond the walls of UGA. His presence will be missed, but his influence will continue to be felt for many years as we continue the work of CFR. We celebrate his storied career and wish him the very best as he enjoys his retirement.”
More information about Dr. Brody’s extraordinary career is available at: Gene Brody – Center for Family Research (