2023 Gene Brody Symposium | Mark your calendar

The 2023 Gene Brody Symposium will provide a fascinating discussion about the adolescent brain between Adriana Galván, Professor of Psychology at UCLA, and Olu Ajilore, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Illinois-Chicago. The discussion will explore Dr. Galvan’s multimodal approach to understanding how brain development in adolescents affects and is affected by experience. How can caregivers, educators and practitioners support adolescents through this developmental period? How does adolescent brain development affect their ability to learn? What is the effect of sleep and stress on adolescent cognitive and emotional development? Hear what Dr. Galván is learning from her research and what questions remain. Participants will be encouraged to ask questions.
Watch live on YouTube: 2023 Gene Brody Symposium – YouTube
February 9, 2023 at 2 pm EST